Sunday, 10 July 2011

The print copy of my book for my final major project at University.

And the Development booklets to go with it. These basically collected my roughs and finalised character design sheets as well as other bits of information about the creation of the final book.

And my business cards (printed at moo) because they look amazing.

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Images from my finial major project for University. A kids book dealing with the topics of loss and grief. Showed this at my Degree show at Free Range in London and got some good review back from it ( & being two).

Summing up current interests in one image.
Style test.

Commission work.

Thursday, 7 April 2011

Test page for my current project work for university.
Been playing with working typography into me illustration work recently.

Thursday, 24 March 2011

Playing around with a different style inspired by the webcomic Homestuck.

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

K: actually we did have minor adventures today
K: went outside and our bin was missing, so we hunted around the street, couldn't find it and gave up
K: and then when we went back out again, it was back!
K: so either somebody is playing silly buggers or our bin is actually the tardis.
K: I'm hoping for the second one personally, but shall be quite put out if it keeps having adventures in time and space but doesn't take us with it.
N: xDD Oh, silly bin.

Tuesday, 22 February 2011

I was asked by my brother to create a image for the front page of his dissertation. He's an archaeology student, and the topic (to simplify it) comparing rock art and modern graffiti. He wanted something clean that could be faded out like a watermark above his title page information.

I was asked to create something based on the above piece of Rock Art (a particularly famous piece from the site at Lascaux that he's examining). He wanted the basic outline of the bulls, but slightly modernized.
My first try was something very streamlined (He mentioned the White Horse carved in the chalk at Berkshire Downs as a example). I tried to keep the essance of the Cave Art while slightly modernising the feel to it.
Then I decided to try something with the graffiti theme, so I recreated the outline of the bulls with an airbrush, mocking up drips you get from excess paint to make it seem spray-painted. This was the one we decided to use for the final image.

Friday, 28 January 2011

Roughs for the last project (please full-view images to see them animate)
Project work based on illustrating (and later animating) two songs by the artist Seth Lakeman.

The Lady of the Sea:

The White Hare:

Sunday, 9 January 2011

And then sometimes I actually do photography stuff.

(first photo is a Tallest Purple toy from the Nicktoons show Invader Zim made by Palisades Toys. The others are all Asian Ball Jointed Dolls made by bluefairy, volks, dream of doll and minoruworld respectfully.)